The History of Combas Farm
In the spring of 1955, John and Gwen moved into Combas Farm on their wedding day, delighted despite having no money for a honeymoon. John had 20 old sheep and Gwen had enough money for their first week’s groceries. Life had to be very basic when they first arrived. The roof leaked, there was no electricity or telephone and the well would occasionally run dry in the summer. Despite this, the following year Combas Farm welcomed its first B&B guests at three guineas per week, including dinner! Guests would often help pump water from the well whilst Gwen cooked their breakfast. Happy customers nicknamed her Florence as she went around lighting the oil lamps each evening. Eventually there were four children in the family and the property was connected to the main electricity grid, had a phone installed and a bore hole drilled for a reliable water source.
Sadly in 2016 John passed away and Gwen continued to run the B&B and camping (with the help of their daughter Sally and husband Steve) right up to when she sadly passed in 2019. Sally and Steve, along with the farming, are now focusing on the campsite having closed the B&B. They are ensuring that they continue to encompass the unique and beautiful environment they feel very lucky to live in. They work hard throughout the year to maintain their high standards and improve so they can offer their campers the best camping experience year after year.